Baby Eloise!

This site is created by the mommy of Baby Eloise so friends and family can share pictures and experiences of Eloise's first days.

Friday, December 28, 2007

More Halloween Pics

Here I am at Pam and Craig's

Here I am with moves this time...I think he's a turtle...

I'm a Chicken for Halloween

Here we go!!!
What? Candy?
Here are more pictures from Andrews Scenic Acres

Here's me and my pretty Mommy

Here's the wagon ride with Annika and Eaun.

Holy Cow...there are berries on these bushes...

Must stuff berries in face before Daddy catches me...

Pictures from our visit to Andrews Scenic Acres

Here's me in Daddy's Hat

Antennas Up!My first Summit with Daddy...OK it's only a hay pile but give me a break....

Monday, December 17, 2007

Mommy got some nice fall pictures of me playing in a sunbeam

This is me picking some berries in the fall...

Then daddy chased me in the park

Which made me very tired

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pictures from Thanksgiving in Guelph

Uncle Peter is teasing me....

Mommy is funny...

Poppa's got me now

Here's everybody

Here I am with Nanna and Poppa

Pictures from our ROM visit this summer

Random pictures

I love mashed potatoes

Pretty mommy at school

And here's a picture of me when I'm not getting what I want

Here I'm heading for a picnic this summer with Mommy

I'm winning a staring contest with Auntie Jill

Mommy said I was laughing at trees...trees are so funny...

More pictures from the summer

Mommy likes to put me in pigtails

Here we are at Sam's birthday...he's trying to put the moves on me

Here we are all dressed up for something...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pictures from the Cottage this summer

Walking in Papineau lake with Daddy

Dude...I'm cold

Daddy get me outta here