Baby Eloise!

This site is created by the mommy of Baby Eloise so friends and family can share pictures and experiences of Eloise's first days.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

This is cousin Liam's new mural. My mommy painted it while we visited in Ottawa (it's not finished yet!)

Our Road trip to Ottawa! We drove to Ottawa for a week full of visits with family and friends. Mommy painted a mural in Liam's room, I spent time with cousin Liam (I LOVE him) and Auntie Barbie! Also, we saw my greeeeeeeat Grandad who bought me a doggy clock! We had breakfast with the recently engaged Alex and Michelle too! We drove home with my friend Annika and Christina. Fun times!

This is us at the Perley visiting Great Grandad.

Grandad's big hands are fun to hold. His hands have done some amazing things, like build a cottage. He says my hands are nice to hold too. He thinks my reflexes are very good.

So much Drama in this picture

Cousin Liam and I visiting G-Dad

Alex and Michelle are ENGAGED!!!!!
Congratulations to them! And congratulations to me for being chosen as a flower girl. I'll have to work on my walking skills soon!

Cousin Liam
This is me telling Grandad a story about my journey to Ottawa.

Oh Swami Baby....